We are currently in the process of analyzing data collected over the past three years from the three cities where we donated ultrasound machines. This comprehensive analysis aims to assess the impact and effectiveness of our donations on healthcare outcomes. We are excited to announce that we anticipate publishing our findings soon. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Diana Vu from George Washington University in DC for her exceptional dedication and hard work in preparing this publication. Her contributions have been invaluable to our research efforts.
Future Donations of Medical Equipment
We anticipate 2024 to be a highly successful year as we shift towards a sustainable long-term fundraising approach. Over the past year, we have demonstrated significant grassroots support, which now enables us to fundraise for specific components of our projects.
Our fundraising will adhere to the following principles:
- No funds will be used to subsidize the participation of individuals from the United States or other developed nations. We believe that the cost of travel and accommodation for these participants is a small sacrifice compared to the significant benefit of allocating these funds to support Nicaraguan participants and initiatives.
- Administrative costs will be limited to less than 10% of the total budget, with an aspirational goal of keeping these costs under 5%. These expenses will be incurred exclusively within Nicaragua.
- As a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization, our budget requires approval from the Executive Board and is subject to oversight by an accountant for monitoring.
In 2024, our fundraising efforts will focus on the transportation of ultrasound machines from the United States to Nicaragua. We will continue to seek out organizations that can offer free or reduced-cost shipping from the port of exit in the US to hospitals in Nicaragua.