We are so very thankful that all our hard work and dedication has paid off.
We would like to announce that 2 ultrasound machines arrived at Gaspar García Laviana Hospital in Rivas Nicaragua on Thursday.
A huge shoutout to all those who have made this project come to life Bernt Schmitt Founder, Humanitarian Radiology Development Corps, Berndt.
Thank you so much for all your commitment to our organization over the years, making these ultrasound machines a reality. There wouldn’t have been a celebration, if it wasn’t for you. We are thrilled to have them in place ready to be used in the hospital.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, and we have many pictures and videos to share the next few days showing all the festivities.
We’re looking forward to going down and helping the hospital with the next steps including measuring their utilization and impact.
Thanks again Rosendo Alvarez and his wife Ruth, Najoi Jabali , MTOM tours, Dane Hellwig , Ramon Morales, Nathan Samras, Al-Barro foundation, Harrison Cheeley , Mayra Rivas and all our friends, donors and family for all your support all this time